2007-09-21 14:47:09 UTC
This time two weeks ago, I would be able to tell you that I have two beautiful, male rats that I absolutely love. Unfortunately, I lost one of them about 6 hours ago and I have no idea why. They both came from the same litter, and I got them when they were just babies. I fed them a healthy diet, changed their cage twice a week, and gave them lots of love and attention. They grew to love each other and were very close. One of them grew to be almost twice the size of the other one. I figured the smaller one must just be the runt of the litter, however, I noticed his personality was weird as well. He never had much energy, and was always very quite and reserved. about 4 days ago, I started to notice how skinny he was. He was always skinny, but never to that extent. I also noticed watery diarrhea all over his back end. His eyes and nose was completely clear, so I know it wasn't an upper respiratory thing. I separated the rats...and he died one day later...what do you think?