Why do most Americans (esp. Whites and Blacks) hate Chinese people so much?
2006-07-07 21:59:49 UTC
What did we ever do to you people? We just work hard to earn a living everywhere we go. Why do Americans like to poke stereotypical fun that Chinese men have small penises, that Chinese women only know how to say "me luv you long time", that all the Chinese look alike, that even if a Chinese person sings an English song perfectly then that is still a joke, that if Chinese people have slanted eyes then that's a bad thing, that a Chinese food delivery man delivering food should be jumped and killed, etc. etc., ad infinitum. i don't think the American parents try hard enough to teach their kids NOT to be racists, and in fact, may even instigate racism upon their young minds so that eventually you have a messed-up and chaotic country full of racism and bigotry. The shameful U.S. media is the biggest culprit in all this. My question still is: WTF did Chinese immigrants and Asian-Americans, in general, ever do to you Whites and Blacks, huh?
29 answers:
2006-07-15 07:20:43 UTC
The people below me :Grant and Deborah are IDIOTS and have no education. They sound really hateful, racist, and stupid. It's people like these that are miserable inside. If you read what they say they have nothing intelligent come out of them. And for Deborah you are ignorant. VERY ignorant and stupid. I have never been to china, I have lived in the US all my life and was born here. In addition to that, I served in the US army during the Gulf War and am a Veteran .

Deborah and Grant you don't have the guts or the integrity to join the army and fight for the freedom of the american people. Or are just a COWARD and like to insult asians. You are weak cowards that hide behind computers.

I paid for my entire college education with my $40,000 GI BILL. Can you do that or are you just so stupid and weak to hide behind a computer?
Love United
2006-07-10 09:40:26 UTC
What are you talking about. I have lived around all races including Chinese and other Asian persuasions. No probs whatsoever. I have never heard any of that and I was born and raised in the bronx. My eyes are very slanted much like asians and I am always told that they are beautiful. I am always told how Asian women period are beautiful and agree completely. As for the Asian man small penis comment. I have never slept with an Asian man so I am no authority; what I can tell you is that there are men of all races who are apart of the itty bitty comittee, and the *** early leave happy club. I am truly sorry if you experience that in your everyday life. I too have experienced racism an being stereotyped. I am black and I have no children but people always ask me how many I have. Do not let this ignorance get to you or eat you up inside. It's other negativity and ignorance don't dignify and feed into it.
2006-07-07 22:19:50 UTC
I greatly respect your thoughts and perception, but the truth is every race has people that have prejudice towards others. I have witnessed chinese people, and asians in general act racist toward black people, but that doesn't mean they are all like that.

Second, every race has stereotypes that get played up more than they should, the chinese have small penis and luv you long time, black people have the love of fried chicken and watermelon. But, stereotypes are just uneducated assumptions and you shouldn't let it bother you. Anyone who believes those stereotypes to be true is a moron and more than likely, not worthy of your time.

Also, slanted eyes, at least in my opinion, are flat out sexy. When I see an asian girl with slanted eyes I can't help but stare because I just think it is so attractive. But, at the same time I know of non-asian people with slanted eyes and it is still sexy.

The media is bias. It presents things in the light it chooses, and lately, stereotypes have seemed to become more and more acceptable. But the media has become a worthless tool of capitalist oppression and everyone should know to form their own opinion.

I am sorry I wrote so much, but you are obviously intelligent and I wanted to respond in an intelligent manner, or at least attempt to. If you are Chinese or Asian I would be proud to be your friend.
2006-07-07 22:08:45 UTC
wow.. ouch.. Here you are saying why do whites and blacks hate Asians.. and you are spitting so much hatred back at us.. Now, not ALL white people or black people make fun of Asians.. and NOT ALL Asian people hate Americans, white, black, purple.. whatever. Yes, there are stereotypes and ya people are going to harp on them, its across all the cultures.. Almost every race has some sort of "bad" race word slang. But you are feeding into it just as much as everybody else who puts out the bad vibes on your ancestors. Just take a breath.. not ALL of ANY race is like that.. there are some decent people in every single race out there if you just give it a chance.
2006-07-07 22:12:26 UTC
It is generally due to a lack of understanding. Not helped by the fact that Chinese who migrated rarely attempted to integrate within the general society, preferring the stick with their own culture and race. Perhaps not surprising when they are persecuted!! This unfortunately is not only a Chinese thing!
2006-07-12 09:38:29 UTC
I'm sorry to tell you this but you guys are so WEIRD why? because you guys really love to eat cats, puppys, monkeys, snakes, rodent inside the glass wine, cockroaches etc. there's a restaurant in china who serves this kind of ****... You guys have an ATTITUDE called SUPERIORITY COMPLEX...Your parent wants you to marry a Chinese also because your parents did the same blahhh bla bla...Actually you guys are the PREJUDICE! You cannot please anybody OK.... And YES I REALLY HATE CHINESE PEOPLE AND YOU CANNOT DO ANYTHING WITH THAT....

I REALLY HATE THAT I"M A HAFT CHINESE....i know you hate it too coz you are PURE Chinese that's the reason why your message was full of hatred... GOODLUCK
2006-07-08 20:47:26 UTC
lighten up they were just kids !!!

i didn't feel hate i thought they were having fun
Chris H
2006-07-07 22:09:42 UTC
Hmm - frankly, I think you see more racial tension in areas that high in concentration of one or more races.

Personally, having lived in Australia, San Francisco, and Denver, I saw more racism towards Chinese/Asians only in the areas around Chinatown in San Francisco.

In Denver, most of the racial conflict I see is towards Latinos, while in Australia it was towards Aborigines, both places accepting Asians as equals (from a general standpoint - unfortunately, there are always bigots who make things bad for everyone.)

As for your specific question, you are graphically displaying your own prejudices with your question. I am an American, as are most of the people I know, and none of those people "hate" Chinese people. So perhaps you are broadcasting your own prejudices or being overly sensitive?
2006-07-07 22:06:12 UTC
:( all racism is disgusting and deplorable. i certainly don't have those views of chinese people. i agree that parents need to do a much better job of 1) fixing their own improper views and 2) teaching their children to respect everyone and treat everyone equally, even in private thoughts.

on a side note, have you ever read the book 1421: how the chinese discovered america ? it's a really interesting book.
2006-07-07 22:11:40 UTC
its just the way society works, weather you fat or skinny, u will get made fun of. its not that parents don't teach their kids not to be racist, its just that when a kid sees an Asian person, they look different to them. there are not very many Asian people in the U.S so when somebody see one, its different then what they are normally used to seeing. EX: only Asian people have slated eyes, there is nothing wrong with that its just different to look at compared to people with more circular eyes. hope i helped you. sorry you feel the way you do
2006-07-07 22:58:03 UTC
I don't have a problem at all with Chinese people at all in fact I have friends that are Chinese. But I do have a problem with people that say "you people"! By addressing people by "you people" you are asking for people to dislike you even more! Chinese aren't treated half as bad as African Americans in fact in American their treated almost like whites! Sorry if you have felt hatred were you live but if you would go to other places in America I'm sure you wouldn't feel the way you do about Americans.
Use another nickname
2006-07-07 22:17:49 UTC
i've never been in usa but i'm living in neighbourhood, Canada. in canada there are many immigrants and people having different nationality but i've never seen racism. u know, it mostly depends on people, the society, environment and city. don't live with people who dont like you, move to another place or city or even to here, to Canada.
2014-08-12 06:01:07 UTC
Well, I don't!

Ni hao ma?
sbbb l
2014-11-12 02:38:33 UTC
Because Satan is very happy with those facts. Hell is open wide.
2006-07-08 22:11:00 UTC
I don't hate Chinese, in fact I like how they maintain there culture no matter where in the world they go, they love who they are and work there asses off. Only thing I don't like is they spit in public and smoke alot and are rude to people they don't know. They also usually will be friends only with other Chinese.

You will hear Americans get pissed when Chinese speak Chinese in public like there screaming, but that is with every language that isn't English.
2006-07-18 09:29:58 UTC

They hate them cos they think asians are more intelligent than them and they are losing thier jobs to asians with many amercian companies outsourcing to countires like china.
2006-07-07 22:05:46 UTC
Hate's a strong word. I think that the Asian cultures are different from European and African. They tend to be more passive. That's why we don't see many popular Asian entertainers in America. So, it's hard to get to know and understand people of Asian cultures, because they grew up in different backgrounds.
2006-07-07 22:06:13 UTC
Huh???? Honey, you need some anger management or Prozac or something......Me love you long time was a line from the movie "Full Metal Jacket"....And it was Vietnamese women in that movie.....If you want to generalize, why are North Koreans trying to blow up the world.....See how stupid that sounds????? I know that ALL north koreans (asians) are not trying to blow up the world.....Chill out Girlfriend....Come over and have a beer.....No racism here.......
I ♥ Kurt Cobain
2006-07-07 22:04:54 UTC
I don't hate them. I have asian friends and i get along with them very good! =)
2006-07-07 22:09:53 UTC
I beg your pardon, my child, but no one I know of in my circle of friends "hates" nor denigrates the Chinese. I really don't have the pleasure of meeting any (although I do have some lovely Hmong neighbors) so I can't make a reasonable decision.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself rather than "Americans" for pandering to the thought of someone hating other people. Lead by example, my child, and quit giving into hate. You're spreading as much as the people you despise. Stop it.
2006-07-07 22:08:51 UTC
well find a chinese dude that can look down there and raise his fist in triumph...youd be hard pressed

they kind of DO look alike. maybe not to you, but to other races, because the eyes are a major id tool. like people with glasses look alike right? chinese and glasses, you cant see eyes too well.

i think there are some hot asian chiks tho. i have asian friends.

never heard about killing them delivery people...

black people prob make fun...but who cares what those loud ones think any way...nobody likes them either

a chinese person singing american songs is a joke, yes.

that guy from american idol ruined it for all of

and thats that

ps the me love long time is vietnamese, from the war...its a joke, get over it
One M
2006-07-07 22:10:41 UTC

Is it not Chinese culture to refer to outsiders as devils?

White and Black Americans don't have a monopoly on racism, China is full of them.

Sadly, the last person a Chinese parent would condone their child marrying is a black person. Why is that?

BTW, I don't hate Chinese not asian people.
Steve B
2006-07-07 22:04:06 UTC
Sweety, it is called Prejudice.
2006-07-07 22:03:48 UTC
"you people"?

Sounds like a prejudiced comment there, sweety. I think you need to check yourself first before you generalize an entire race of people and comment on other people's issues. You are insulting many people here with your post, myself included.

But I tell you what, since you know so much about parenting and raising children, why don't you start u a little US tour and go house to house, showing parents how to raise their children to respect all races and live in perfect harmony..?

Racial issues are a part of life, no matter what part of the world you live in - GROW UP AND GET USED TO IT!
2006-07-11 14:59:16 UTC
*they alienate themselves

*they have a condescending way of speaking

*they view Fido and Fifi as potential dinner

Does that help?
2006-07-16 19:59:20 UTC
To: "I love dolphins"..........

In regards to your post, I must disagree when you state that most people hate Asians because they are "Jealous." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!

First of all, Asians are passive because they HAVE to be. They are too small and fragile to be aggresive and if they tried to be, (aggresive) they's get pummeled. (Pearl Harbor)

I can't stand Asians and if the Chinese culture is such a great one, then why are all of the Chinks trying to get out of China. HAHAHHAHAHAH!!!! NICE TRY THOUGH! U.S.A. #1..............China...........laughingstock. Go back to China Ilovedolphins.
grant s
2006-07-16 19:46:14 UTC
I'll tell you why......First of all, most Asians themselves are VERY bigoted and infact, racist.

Secondly, the majority of Asians in this country refuse to acclimate to the customs of this country and thus, segregate themselves from mainstream society. (Imagine that, coming from a third world, impoverished communist country!?)

And lastly, stereotypes exist for a reason. Asian men do, for the most part, have small penises, and to refute that is pure ignorance. Asians are VERY bad drivers as well, due to the fact that their slanty eyes have no peripheral vision. I'll admit it and I'm not afraid to,........I very much dislike Asians,...period.

I'm a sucessful bussiness owner in San Francisco and I try to avoid dealing with Asians whenever possible. I just don't trust or like them. And what's with the lingering, wretched stink of fish that most of them carry around with them?

And one more thing, if China is such a great country, then why are Chinese people (like rats) clawing and struggling to get the h--- out? Hmmmm? Makes ya' wonder.
2006-07-07 22:05:48 UTC
we don't hate Chinese only their food in fact i heard stories in Chinatown San Francisco they serve dogs meat in some Chinese restaurant is that right?
2006-07-07 22:03:39 UTC
because they are bigoted morons.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.