Lucky you! Hamsters are great pets, but you want to make sure you are prepared for when your hamster comes home. Here is some information about housing, feeding, and care:
HOUSING: Hamsters are big climbers, and therefore need a closed in cage. You cannot keep them in a tank because there is not enough ventilation in one, and therefore, they will die of Ammonia. Also, make sure to clean the cage once a week or even more frequently. Here's an example of a good cage you could buy your new Hamster:,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.51495398,d.cWc,pv.xjs.s.en_US.Zn0fveqivGU.O&biw=1366&bih=628&tch=1&ech=1&psi=MtsfUpXrGuiqsQTJ9YDQBQ.1377819447751.7&sa=X&ei=WtsfUvvbF-izsQTGvIGoCw&ved=0CG8Q8gIwAg Or you could get this:
In addition to the cage, you should buy a:
Water Bottle (which can clip onto the cage) :
Wheel (a fun toy to keep your Hamster entertained) :
House (a fun little hideout that your Hamster will love) :
Bedding (to keep your Hamster cozy as well as to absorve the smell of the pee/poop) :
Food bowl (to put the food in of course) :
Food (of course!) :,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.51495398,d.cWc,pv.xjs.s.en_US.Zn0fveqivGU.O&biw=1366&bih=628&tch=1&ech=1&psi=Vd0fUpGjL8qrsAS-_YGQCw.1377819995138.3&sa=X&ei=WN0fUovKJOessQStiYGIDw&ved=0CFgQ8gIwAQ
Treats (for training and taming) :
Chew Blocks (Like all rodents, Hamsters teeth grow all their life, and they need some way to wear them down! Without chew blocks, your Hamster will have to go through painful and risky surgery to file down it's teeth eventually) :
I also enjoy making my small rodents fun homemade toys to keep them entertained. I love hanging yarn from the ceiling of their cage, making them little swings with chopsticks, and putting in some paper towel tubes with holes in them. The toys are very easy to make and very fun for the Hamster-and will keep yours stimulated, happy and never bored.
Anyway, when you get your Hamster tomorrow, make sure you have everything ready for it. As soon as you get home, let it out of it's carrying box, and let it into the new cage. Make sure to be very quiet, and not scare it too much. You can watch it run around and explore it's new surroudings. Don't stick your hand in yet though, it will still be nervous and scared.
Give your Hamster at least 4 days to settle in. After that, try sticking your hand in the cage with a treat in it. Let your Hamster take the treat from your hand and explore you. Be very quiet and patient. It might not come to you at first. Talk to your Hamster in a soft, soothing voice. Let it get used to you and smell you. If your Hamster bites your hand, it may think your fingers are food. Rodents don't have a good eye vision so they use their mouth to explore. If your Hamster does this, don't pull your hand away. Instead you can put a glove on your hand. Keep doing this every day for about 10 days (or until your Hamster is comfortable with you.) After that, if your Hamster climbs into your hand you can pick it up for a few seconds. Cup your hand so it feels secure and give it another treat. Then you can put it down again. Soon, your hamster will like you and enjoy being with you. Congratulations! You have started taming your new pet!
So, yeah, that's basically how you take care of them. They're a pretty easy pet-just make sure to keep fresh water and food in the cage all times. And, yeah!
Hope I helped! Have fun with your Hamster!