Rat tips:answer the following.?
complainer 21
2008-12-05 00:16:36 UTC
im getting a pet rat and i need to know every thing importent for new rat owners:MALE OR FEMALE,THINGS RATS MUST HAVE,GOOD AGE THE RAT SHOULD BE,AND GOOD RAT HAND BOOKS.
Eight answers:
2008-12-05 06:31:50 UTC
VIP no 1...if getting a ratty then you NEED TWO!!! that is the first most important point...ratties love their own kind and are much happier and healthier with a cage mate...they can get very lonely and even depressed or neurotic if kept in solitary us, they are exceedingly SOCIAL

VIP no 2: get the BIGGEST CAGE you can possibly afford...put everything else off for a while to spend all you can on a LARGE size cage...check prices online because you can save a packet

look for bedding, toys, bowls etc at thrift shops...

BEDDING: I buy secndhand handtowels and disinfect them, wash them, leav ein the sun for a few days and this is what I use for hammocks and bedding...ratties LOVE HAMMOCKS - string up with bits of bent wire or add ties to corners and tie onto bars...I change all towells every other day and put the soiled ones in a lidded bucket and wash all in the machine once a week

DO NOT use wood shavings etc for ratty bedding...rats are susceptible to respiratory disease and any shavings etc can bring it on or exacerbate it...there is no need for bedding that can cause reactions and that goes for any thing like newsprint...inks are toxic and can cause chest problems

ratties are busy intelligent animals and like to have things to play can be very cheap and even free because ratties love small cardboard boxes, cardboard rolls, non printed paper, bits of non toxic tree branches to chew on, same for wooden icecream sticks, etc...mine love to dive for peas...

I start of with the peas in a small amount of water, not enough to cover them and then over time gradually increase the depth of the ratties go mad for this activity and they LOVE PEAS...I use green frozen and just rinse in cold water before giving to ratties

ratties love things to hide in, things to drag round, things to chew up (make sure that it is not toxic)

ratties need to have a balanced diet...they are omnivores so they eat a variety of dietary needs. About 70-80% grains and cereals, 15-20% fruits and vegies, 8-12%protein. ratties have fairly short lives so in order to extend it as far as possible DO NOT feed them junk food...very little or no processed foods, organic and wholegrains, fresh and good quality. Fresh water daily. some soya products as this is shown to reduce incidence of tumour in old age. Feed twice per day, ratties are crepuscular so they are the most active at dusk and dawn and this is when they will look for food

ratties are clean animals, they will groom frequently and they like a clean home so keep ratties environment CLEAN...ratty will get sick if kept in dirty conditions...ratty is dependent on owner so be a caring one and make things comfortable for your ratty friend

ratty can be litter trained so get a litter box in immediately and until ratty gets the idea pick up any 'raisins' (rat poo) outside the litter box and put into the litter not clean out the litter box for the first week and then only twice per week and only clean about half out...until it is obvious that ratty always uses the litter box...I dont wash my litter box frequently but now I empty it every other rats are litter trained. Rats will drop some droplets of pee on each is a type of marking that designates to them that 'we are the same tribe'

unlike mice, rats do not have body odour and if kept in clean conditions they should not smell

play with your ratty at least an hour or more a day...try and spend a bit of hands on time at the times that ratties are very active and then also when they are sleeping you can let them sleep on you in your hoodie etc so they become very familiar with your smell. I bathe my ratties at least once a week in hot weather...I do not use soap or shampoo because they dont really need it

FEMALE rats are VERY active...they seem to never stop and they can barely take a moment out of their busy life to let you pet them, but once they get very used to you and trust you then they might just let you stroke their heads or tickle under their chin. MALES on the other hand a couch potatos and you can get them to lay on you while you pet their yummy tummy...I kiss my ratties tummies and blow raspberries on them they are so irresistible!!! whatever you decide just get two of the same sex and they will be so happy with their little matey and they will even compete with each other for your affection so it actually can make them even tamer, more trusting, more affectionate

a ratty from a reputable breeder is likely to be more long lived and healthier than a pet shop feeder which is likely to be inbred and could show signs of illness as they age. get your ratties at about 5-6

rats are very intelligent, cute, funny, busy, and totally adorable
2008-12-05 21:06:46 UTC
If you're going to get a rat, get 2, trust me, they'll be MUCH happier. Don't get an aquarium, get something big with bars that they can climb on =] The rat cage petco has works very well. Hammocks are highly rat LOVE them. Wodent Wheels are great too (wodent is not a spelling error) they don't have bars that their feet can get stuck in. Rats only live 3 years or so, so younger is preferable. Try doing a google search and see if there's any rescues in your area, lots of times they have babies or young rats for re-homing. Most of my rats came from shelters and they're awesome =] good luck!
2008-12-05 11:57:02 UTC
You cant have one rat, its cruel. Rats are profoundly social and can die from depression if you dont get a pair. No matter how much time and space you give them, you CANNOT replace the need for own kind companionship. If you cannot have two rats, you should not have one. Get a same sex pair or an opposite sex pair with one or both neutered or spayed.

Males tend to be lazier and cuddlier, females more hyper and adventurous...both are nice pets, males are larger and the boy bits can be offputting for some people, they are also smellier. Males do tend to be healthier, females usually die of cancer, although spaying can help this ,apparently.

Handling is the thing with rats, you need to be able to play with them and let them run about for an hour minimum a day, preferably much more. You cant just stuff them in a cage like you do a hamster, they can become miserable and aggressive. If you dont have that time, again dont get rats.

Rats need a very large cage, at least 2.5 feet cubed per rat is advisable...the Jenny or Freddy 2 rat cages are big enough for a pair of rats, but the bigger the cage, the better. The bar spaces should be no further apart than 2cm. Shelves should be solid, not wire or the rats will hurt their feet.

Change them once or twice a week, do NOT keep them on woodshavings it harms their lungs, instead use paper or wood based cat litter, shredded paper or baled cardboard strips. They should have soft nesting material like shredded paper or J cloths, a nest box, hammocks and lots of toys...rats like to climb and tunnel, so ladders, ropes and drainpipe tunnels are appreciated. Some will used bell cat toys too.

Supa rat excel is the best prepared rat diet I have heard of, but better still is the Shumanite diet, google it. You can treat your rats with small pieces of raw fruit and veg (wash first and avoid onion, sweet potato, green beans and citrus fruit), raisins, dog yoghurt and chocolate drops, dry pasta, dried fruit, most things really...steer clear of sugar and salty things, and keep sweet stuff like raisins and choc drops to a minimum. NEVER feed human chocolate.
2008-12-05 14:10:31 UTC
There's been good advices given already, so I will mostly stress on the most important points and add some links.

1) Do not keep a rat alone. They definitely need at least one companion of the same sex. As has been mentionned, rats are lazier and bigger while females are smaller and more active.

2) Do keep in mind their different needs:

The environment:

a) a good sized cage. You can use the rat cage calculator ( to know how many adult rats you can comfortably house in the cage you're thinking about.

b) do not house them in tanks, it has really really poor ventilation and they are then more prone to respiratory diseases.

c) although many people keep their rats in ferret or chinchilla cages, those cage usually have a bar spacing too big for young rats, who can just go between the bars. So if you keep young ones, keep that in mind.

d) rats love to climb, so prefer a tall cage with platforms to a wide and low one.

e) choose your bedding carefully. Stay FAR AWAY from pine or cedar beddings, they are the worst you could ever use. I prefer hemp, but it can be hard to come by, then I go for aspen. Many will suggest trying carefresh, but I find it too dusty. Corncob also has the bad tendency to mold when too moist.


a) Rats like diversity, but they need a balanced diet. I personally prefer to feed them a rat/mouse mix plus specially formulated pellets that offer a complete diet. I refill their bowl when they have pretty much ate all but the alfalfa bits in the mix and ate all their pellets.

b) Rats love treats. You can buy commercial treats, like yogurt drops, which they love, but just don't abuse those, especially for the males who will get fatter. They enjoy fresh veggies: carrots, brocoli (good way to not waste the stems), peas, hard-boiled eggs, yogurt, soy milk. They can eat basically all you eat, but don't give them junk food. Also avoid anything that's sticky in big quantity, like peanut butter, as they could choke on it (instead, spread a very thin layer on a small piece of toasted bread).


a) never forget that rats are rodents, and that their teeth constantly grow. They need to have access to something to chew, and no their cage bars do not count!

b) females are more prone to tumors than males, so you might want to keep that in mind

c) all rats carry a bacteria in their respiratory tracts. Most are healthy carriers, but in the case of a bad bedding that irritates them, the bacteria can use the opportunity to make the rat sick.

Other stuff that you will need:

a) a hiding place where they will feel safe.

b) toys, because rats love to play. Bird toys work well, some cat and dog toys as well. I personally love to hang stuff to the bars of the cage or toss a cat ball in the bottom. Avoid any cat toy that contains catnip though!

c) hammocks, the rats love to sleep in hammocks

Other random tibbits:

a) Rats can be potty trained, they can learn to potty in just one particular spot.

b) you can teach them tricks, and that includes comming to you when you call them, very useful for play times outside the cage.
2008-12-05 09:33:40 UTC
Firstly, i personally prefer male rats, they are more cuddly and less likely to bite,and less hyper. Rats must have :


Paper based bedding

food ( rat nuggets preferably )


Water bottle


Nest box




To buy a rat it should be 6 - 12 weeks old.

No need to buy a hand book, here are some GREAT rat sites:

Hope i helped x
2008-12-05 08:20:57 UTC
well it is really easy when i first got my rat i pretty much didnt know anything then mu bff told me a great website 4 guinea pigs and all that stuff counts 4 rats 2 well just check it out

i think you should get a BOY
spider pig!!!1
2008-12-05 09:20:16 UTC
first you will need to get 2 of the same sex. i have 2 males. i bought them when they were 12 weeks old. they are 1 year old now. people say males smell more, but mine dont.
2008-12-05 13:46:21 UTC
I got my rats when they where a baby... They are girls and I JUST LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And they will die if you don't get a pair...

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