2009-03-12 17:23:30 UTC
to, and please answer the question.
now, i personally love rats, my three boys for pets, and i love wild ones too, and i think all rats are misunderstood. But Many people dislike rats, and i want to know, if you hate rats or just dislike them, a good reason why. I hate it when people just say 'they are stupid' (which is a very dumb thing to say because, even if you dislike rats, they are smarter than some cats and dogs.) or 'they are gross' or 'ewww rats' whenever i answer a question, or talk about my boys or about a story i am writing on rats.
Well, i just want to know why you don't like rats, simple as that. But please, do not be mean about it or unfair. If you say they are gross, please explain what is so gross. If you think their tails are disgusting, explain what is disgusting about them. (i don't understand this either as rats groom themselves more than cats, and that is saying something) If you think they spread disease, well, look up more. Fleas started the plague and spread it between us and the rats. Rats didn't want it either, and they didn't intentionally hurt us in any way, and so they have no blame. That is what i have found out. If you disagree, please bring it about calmly, because as i stated earlier, i really do not wish to get angry about this.
if you actually like rats, like me, then you are at perfect liberty to explain that too. I wouldn't mind an explanation or pictures of your pet ratties if you have them, either!
So, as a summary, why you dislike or like rats, and a good reason, and keep it nice please. no just saying, 'they spread disease stupid' as many people have said in similarly asked questions. Thank you for your time.