2011-08-27 04:06:38 UTC
This is how my hamster was acting:
When I found him he had collapsed in his cage and wouldn't eat but would sometimes drink with some help. He had been healthy and happy the day before so I didn't know why he was like that. He was smelling of fish which he had never previously smelled of before and I hadn't fed him any fish. He couldn't easily move and lay either in my hands or on a pillow all day acting really tired. He hated to be put down or put back in his cage and would try to look for me though he could barely move if I put him down but he would rest peacefully on my hands. His breathing became laboured and weak until he was only taking one deep breath every ten or twenty seconds. Then he tried to breath again making a rasping sound before he died. After he had died blood came out of his nose was there something wrong with his heart? he was acting like this all day before he finally died and it was so painful watching him like this. He was 1yr and 11months old so I realise he didn't live to the average 2yrs expected of a hamster though he was almost there.
Can you tell me why he died and if a vet could have helped? Thanks and please no mean comments, I loved him so much.