good choice getting rats btw.
Supplies from pet store...
WIRE CAGE- rats do better in a wire cage. they supply more ventilation and the bars provide a jungle gym for your rats to clime on. This is the cage I have...
I got mine at petsmart. I took out the wheel. It didn't cost too much. I cannot remember the exact price.
BEDDING- please don't get cider bedding. Rats have sensitive respiratory systems and the saw dust that ceder bedding creates is harmful for rats to breath in. I am not completely sure whether or not pine bedding is also bad. I think it is. so just to be safe please get paper based bedding. Besides paper bedding works better anyway.
FOOD- the blocked food similar to this
and supplement it with some of the mixed grain food that looks similar to bird seed. (but isn't)
FOOD BOWL- most rat cages come with food bowls. (mine did) but if you get a different cage and it doesn't come with one, get tough heavy one so it cant be tipped or chewed.
WATER BOTTLE- get a strong water bottle that cannot be chewed. Glass ones work best. I have the "6 oz Chew proof water bottle" made by super pet. It is made from a tough glass and doesn't leak.
TREATS- not mandatory to get. But rats love treats. You can buy some or give them stuff at home. You can give them dog bones, unbuttered popcorn, (buttered is ok, but unbuttered it healthier), and cheerios. My guys love cheerios!
Also at petsmart you can buy yogert drops. My rats love those too!
i am not sure about breeders. so here is a google search that i did...
there is nothing wrong with getting a rat from a pet shop. just make sure it is a clean, "trustworthy" place and all of its animals look healthy and happy.
here is a really good web site...